About Us

Meet the Candle Lady.

Hi and welcome to the Saucy Candle family! Let me tell you a little bit about our story…

In 2018, I was going through a transitional phase – not sure where I’d end up, feeling really stuck. So, I did what any crafty lady does and dove headfirst into the world of candlemaking – letting fragrance, wax, jars, consume all my thoughts until I started to feel a little less stuck day by day. Making stuff with your hands is the best therapy. My first candle was made in a cat food tin adorned with gemstones. I got wax ALL over the kitchen. After that debacle, my fiance – also our Chief Pouring Officer – made me a wax pouring pot to help fulfill all my candlemaking dreams, without the mess. Oh, how far we’ve come!

Saucy Candle was officially founded in yet another time of stuckness – one that we can all relate to: COVID-19. With more people stuck in their homes more than ever before, candles seemed like the answer to reaching people with a little bit of light, joy, and comfort. I’m delighted every time someone tells me my candle made them happy or calm or they want to “live inside it”. This sense of purpose keeps us pouring.

All that to say, we live the philosophy that flame and fragrance can bring a little light to our lives when we need it most. Hope you find that here.

We believe in spreading light through a slow, clean burn.

Now more than ever, we believe it is so important that only clean, safe ingredients are used in our candles and melts. We only work with suppliers who are focused on researching and providing the safest ingredients.

All of our products are made from soy wax which is biodegradable and burns far more cleanly (think: less soot) than paraffin wax. Although we love color, we’ve chosen to make the majority of our products dye-free to keep our products simple and ensure that only the most eco-friendly ingredients make it into your home. Finally, all of our fragrances are phthalate free, so that you can enjoy our fragrances cleanly in your air.

Sending Light & Love,

Mary Faith James

Check out our current collections. Let’s get lit!

Don’t see any scents that tickle your fancy…er…nose after going through our store? We are always looking for suggestions to add to our fragrance arsenal. Don’t hesitate to reach out to saucycandleco@gmail.com with ideas for scents and sets you’d like to see.